Monday, February 4, 2008

first crack!

This is the first crack at the new St Barnabas' blog called water cooler. It is not uncommon during the course of any week to have a whole stack of opportunities to share with others about how knowing Jesus can help make sense of the world. 
Maybe its just that we don't know how... maybe we haven't figured out what we think... maybe we aren't convinced  ourselves that there is a Christian point of view on any given topic... whatever the reason, we often miss these "water cooler" moments.
Over 2008 water cooler will have a crack at giving a few thoughts on how we can use a few minutes of a lunch time, or bus stop conversation, to share God's perspective on the world. If you read anything in the news, or hear something on the radio that you know everyone will be talking about, post a reply. I'll do my best to give a few thoughts on how to explain, defend and challenge whatever is being discussed out there. Why not start praying now for the opportunities, and the grace, to represent Jesus in every conversation.

1 comment:

Steevie said...

Great idea, Steve! I'm not great with the technology, but am honored to be the first (!) to comment. Apart from interest rates, the "sorry" issue seems to be the other dominating topic....I'm sure we can link repentance and humility to the latter issue.....